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  • Nurturing Decision-Making Skills in Children: A Path to Empowerment

    "In the journey of life, responsible decision-making is the compass guiding us through the maze of choices, ensuring we navigate with wisdom and empathy." Life is a continuous stream of big and small decisions that shape our journey and influence those around us. As adults, every day, we navigate through an intricate web of choices, some of which have the power to shape our future. Remarkably, by the time we go to bed, we've already made more than 35,000 decisions, many of them on autopilot. But what about our children? From the moment they can express their preferences, they too start making decisions, often as simple as choosing their outfit or picking a snack. Yet, their options & choices will undoubtedly become more complex as they grow. These early experiences with decision-making are the building blocks of their future. Encouraging them to make wise choices, especially when it comes to selecting a healthy snack, can be a challenge. Decision-making at school can range from simple choices like picking a classmate to sit next to or more far-reaching decisions like selecting a third language option. It's crucial for children to learn how to deliberate and build their decision-making skills to make choices that will benefit them and those around them. What do we mean by Responsible Decision-Making Skills? While we make various decisions daily, some are made without conscious thought, while others require quick thinking. Some decisions are made on our behalf, especially when we're young, such as those made by parents. But then, some decisions truly matter, especially the ones that can impact our lives, our futures, and the well-being of others. These are the decisions that demand responsibility. Responsible decision-making involves taking ownership of choices and considering their impact on others. In simpler terms, it means making ethical decisions that not only benefit ourselves but also those affected by our choices. Why do Responsible Decision-Making Skills Matter? Responsible decision-making is an invaluable skill for children to develop. It equips them with the ability to make choices considering the consequences on themselves and those around them. It fosters empathy, social responsibility, and ethical thinking. Children who understand the decision-making process tend to make more responsible choices. While they may start with simple decisions, they'll face more significant choices as they grow. These skills help them become responsible citizens who understand their rights and responsibilities. Good decision-making allows them to assess the consequences of their choices on themselves, their families, peers, and the community. It equips them with the ability to make decisions that ensure safety and well-being for all collaboratively. These skills also teach children how to step back from emotional reactions and evaluate the pros and cons of their actions, even when faced with significant challenges. How do we develop Responsible Decision-Making Skills? You can support the development of good decision-making skills in children in various settings, whether at home or in the classroom. Establishing well-defined family routines creates a foundation for moral decision-making. Presenting different scenarios and discussing possible responses is an excellent starting point. Create an environment where children feel their views and opinions are valued and can freely express themselves. Encourage them to practice these skills daily, knowing they may make mistakes but will learn valuable lessons. Reflecting on your own mistakes and addressing challenging situations together will help them grow into better decision-makers. Incorporating ethics and morals when teaching decision-making ensures children make choices with a sense of responsibility. Tools Our "Would You Rather" game transforms this learning process into an enjoyable and interactive journey. Children learn to make choices in a playway method. Making choices fosters self-confidence and self-esteem. Kids become more self-reliant and capable of independent thinking. They learn to weigh the pros and cons, anticipating potential consequences. Our "Would You Rather" game is designed to not only challenge young minds but also foster responsible decision-making, creativity, and self-awareness. Join us as we delve into this game's endless possibilities for building essential life skills. Read our next blog post for the unveiling of our captivating "Would You Rather" game, where choices are not just dilemmas but opportunities for growth and connection. Summary Empowering children with decision-making skills is a lifelong gift that prepares them for a future filled with choices. These skills enable them to make responsible decisions, understand their rights and responsibilities, and assess the consequences of their choices on themselves and their communities. By nurturing these skills early on, we equip children to become leaders who can collaborate, solve problems, and resolve conflicts ethically, both in school and in life. It's a gift that keeps on giving, fostering confident, capable individuals ready to face life's challenges with wisdom and responsibility. #ParentingTips #ChildEmpowerment #ResponsibleDecisions #ChildhoodSkills #EmpowerYoungMinds #EducationForLife

  • Parallel Play: The Magic of Early Childhood

    "In the magical world of early childhood, parallel play is the first step towards making friends, where little hearts play side by side, learning to imagine and play in sync with each other." The early childhood years are an incredible journey, where every moment holds the promise of growth and discovery. Among these moments, parallel play stands out as a crucial step in a child's social and emotional development. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of parallel play, its significance, and how it shapes the journey toward building essential social skills. What is "Parallel Play", and Why is it Important? Imagine a room filled with toddlers. You may have noticed that even though there are several 2-3-year-olds present, each child is playing independently. Each is engrossed in their own little world of toys and imagination. They might look at each other and smile, but they won't really play together or share toys. In the world of child development, this magical stage is known as Parallel Play. Parallel Play is a fascinating and integral part of a toddler's growth story. It is when children aged between 12 months and 36 months play side by side, seemingly in their own bubble. It might appear that they are in isolation, but the magic lies in the unspoken connections brewing beneath the surface. It is the crucial phase when they embark on a path of self-discovery, imagination, and the subtle art of socialisation. It is like a training ground for essential social and emotional skills. So, while it may seem like kids are just playing on their own in a room full of other kids, it's actually the beginning of a journey that shapes their social and emotional growth throughout their lives. Let's look into it in more detail: Building Block for Social Skills Parallel Play lays the groundwork for your child's social skills. It's their first step into the world of social interactions. Even if they're not playing together, they're learning about being around others, a skill they will need throughout life. They begin to understand things like taking turns, respecting each other's space, and setting boundaries. These skills lay the foundation for more complex play as they grow. Independence and Self-Discovery At the heart of the parallel play lies independence. Toddlers at this stage are asserting their autonomy and discovering who they are. They choose their toys, explore their creativity, and experiment with newfound skills, all while surrounded by other kids. It's a time when they begin to develop into their own personalities. Observational Learning While toddlers may not actively engage with their playmates, they are active observers. They observe what their playmates are doing and sometimes copy them. They might even add their own ideas to it and start to play something new altogether. It's like a silent exchange of ideas. Communication Skills Parallel Play forms the foundation for the growth of communication abilities. Children may start using simple words or gestures to interact with their peers, such as pointing to a shared interest or using basic greetings. Comfort Zone Parallel Play provides a sense of comfort and safety. It's like a cocoon where children transition from playing alone to playing with others. It helps them get used to being around other kids and gradually become more confident in social situations. Summary Parallel Play is a significant chapter in your child's social and cognitive development. In early childhood, parallel play is the first step towards friendships, where little ones learn to share their imaginative journeys side by side. It's the foundation of social skills, independence, and communication abilities. Parallel Play is like a gentle practice, preparing them for the lively fun of interacting with peers in the future. Dive into our next blog post, where we'll share practical tips for nurturing and encouraging parallel play in your little ones. Let's embark on this wonderful adventure of child development together!

  • Nurturing Parallel Play: Practical Tips for Parents & Caregivers

    "Parallel Play provides a stepping stone for your child's social growth. As parents, we hold the lantern to guide them through this magical journey." Now that we've explored the magic of #parallelplay, let's delve into how parents, teachers & caregivers can nurture this essential stage of development. It provides a stepping stone for your child's social growth. When children enter school, their experiences with parallel play will influence their ability to adapt to a structured learning environment. Sharing some practical tips for parallel play to help you nurture this essential building block for your child's social growth. Practical Tips for Encouraging Parallel Play Arrange Playdates: Organise playdates with other toddlers. It creates a perfect environment for parallel play. Strike a balance between structured and unstructured playtime. Structured activities, like playdates and group games, complement the more open-ended nature of parallel play. Create a Play-Friendly Environment: Set up a play area with toys that spark your child's interest. Easy access to toys encourages them to engage in parallel play. Observe play: Be an attentive observer. It helps you understand your child's interests and development. Encourage Independent Choices: Let your child choose their toys during playtime. It empowers them to make decisions. Foster a Positive Environment: Praise your child's efforts, even if they play independently. Create environments that encourage parallel play, offer guidance, and foster positive interactions. Arrange Group Activities: Include group activities that involve parallel play. Building with blocks or drawing together can spark interactions. Model Cooperative Behavior: Play with your child while they engage in parallel play. Show them how to share and express themselves positively. Sibling Bonds: If you have more than one kid, observe how they engage in parallel play with each other. Sibling interactions often provide valuable opportunities for parallel play and can contribute to developing important social skills. Limit Screen Time: Less screen time encourages more active and creative play. Encourage Interaction Through Shared Goals: Gradually introduce activities requiring cooperation. It can include puzzles or simple games with shared objectives. Be Patient: Remember, parallel play is a natural stage, and each child progresses at their pace. Be patient and supportive. Summary Parallel Play helps young children start building vital social and emotional skills. Parents, teachers & caregivers play a vital role in nurturing this stage by creating opportunities for parallel play and encouraging positive interactions with peers. By recognising the importance of parallel play and actively supporting it, we can help our children lay a strong foundation for social and emotional growth that will benefit them throughout their lives. By following these practical tips for parallel play, you will help your child grow and prepare for future friendships and cooperative interactions. Enjoy this special phase—it's a stepping stone to a bright social future for your little one. And more importantly, parallel play is just the beginning. It serves as a prelude as this playtime transforms into a collaborative play as they grow older. Embrace this magical phase, which is a vital ingredient for their growth. What's your most memorable moment of parallel play with your child? We'd love to hear your stories and tips for nurturing this magical phase of development. Share them in the comments below!

  • Growing Together: The Magic of Collaborative Play in Childhood

    "As children grow, their playtime evolves from parallel play to collaborative play, where friendships deepen, and the seeds of teamwork are sown." Play is more than just fun in childhood—it's a crucial part of growing up. Think of a playground where kids come together to build the biggest sandcastle. It's the world of collaborative play, where they team up for endless fun and learning. As toddlers transform into young children, their play experiences shift from parallel to #collaborativeplay. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of collaborative play and how it shapes their social and cognitive development. From Parallel Play to Collaborative Play In our previous blog post, we uncovered the world of parallel play, where toddlers played side by side but independently. Now, let's delve into the next milestone in child growth: collaborative play. As children grow and their social skills mature, they begin to engage in play that involves shared goals, cooperation, and teamwork. The Significance of Collaborative Play Collaborative play is a remarkable stage in a child's development, and it brings about a host of benefits: Social Bonding: Collaborative play strengthens friendships and fosters a sense of belonging. Children learn to share, compromise, and communicate effectively. Problem-Solving: Working together on tasks and games encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Children learn to strategise and find solutions as a team. Empathy and Compassion: Collaborative play teaches empathy as children consider each other's feelings and needs. They learn to support and comfort their playmates. Language Development: Engaging in conversations, negotiations, and role-playing during collaborative play enhances language skills. Conflict Resolution: As children navigate disagreements and conflicts during play, they develop conflict-resolution skills and the ability to compromise. Types of Collaborative Play Collaborative play happens in various forms, each contributing to a child's growth: Pretend Play: Children immerse themselves in imaginative scenarios, taking on different roles and collaborating to create stories and adventures. Board Games/Card Games: Games like UNO, Chess, Monopoly, or Scrabble involve following rules, taking turns, and strategic thinking—essential skills developed through collaboration. Building and Construction: Collaborative building with blocks, LEGO sets, or other building materials allows children to work together on creative projects. Outdoor Play: Team games such as tag, football or hide-and-seek encourage cooperation, communication, and physical activity. Fostering Collaborative Play in Childhood Parents and caregivers play a vital role in nurturing collaborative play: Provide Opportunities: Offer a variety of games, toys, and activities that promote collaboration. Set the Example: Model cooperative behaviour in your interactions with your child and others. Encourage Communication: Emphasise the importance of talking and listening to playmates during collaborative play. Celebrate Efforts: Acknowledge and praise your child's teamwork and problem-solving efforts. Create a Positive Environment: Foster an atmosphere where children feel safe to express themselves and resolve conflicts. Summary As children grow, so does the magic of their play. Collaborative play is a pivotal stage where friendships deepen, teamwork skills develop, and valuable life lessons are learned. Parents, caregivers, and educators can help children navigate this transformative journey by recognising the significance of collaborative play and actively supporting it. So, embrace the wonder of collaborative play as your child continues to grow, learn, and explore the enchanting world of childhood. We'd love to hear your stories and tips for fostering collaboration in childhood. Join the conversation in the comments below, and let's continue growing together!

  • Importance of Family Gatherings: Building Life Skills and Fostering Emotional Connections

    "Family gatherings are a reminderthat no matter how far we wander, there will always be a place where we belong!" Yesterday, I attended my cousin's wedding. As I sat there, surrounded by my extended family, I couldn't help but think about how important these family gatherings are for building life skills and fostering emotional connections. It's easy to get busy with our daily lives and forget about spending time with family. But, as I looked around at my relatives, many of whom I only see at events like this, I realised how much I've gained from these gatherings over the years. From learning new things from my elders to forging strong bonds with my cousins, family weddings like this one have a way of charging us up without us even realising it. While enjoying the festivities, I pondered how important it is to pass on the tradition of gathering as a family to the next generation. Today, technology has made it easy to connect virtually. Still, there is something special about meeting in person, and it's irreplaceable. We all lead busy lives, and sometimes finding the time and energy to attend family events is challenging. But trust me; it's worth it! The benefits are immeasurable. When we come together as a family, we not only strengthen our bonds but create memories that will last us a lifetime! The wedding was in an area where my dad and his siblings grew up. So, they excitedly showed us the school they attended as children, where they played in childhood and even the house where my grandparents lived. It was a special moment to learn more about my family's history and see the places important to them. As they shared their stories and experiences, it helped us see how things were different back then. It brought our family history to life in a way we cannot replicate through photos or social media. During the wedding, my aunts and uncles entertained us with stories about the weddings they'd attended in this same town over the years. I also had a chance to share my own experiences and connect with my niece, who I heard was initially reluctant to come. We also bonded with my younger cousin and her family, whom we hadn't seen in years. We, cousins, enjoyed the chatter, pulling each other's legs and sharing plenty of laughter. We reminisced about old memories and even made new ones. It was heartwarming to see everyone come together and have a good time. Coming together to celebrate the couple, meeting young and old, bonding with everyone, sharing our experiences, and, more importantly, as a family, offering support to each other creates a sense of community and belonging within all of us. As I left the wedding feeling fulfilled and content, I realised once again how family weddings and gatherings have many benefits, especially for children. Importance of Family Gatherings Occasions like these help children learn about cultures, traditions, and values. But, more importantly, it provides them with valuable opportunities for social and emotional development. When children interact with extended family members, they build their essential SEL skills, such as communication, empathy, and respect for others. As children connect with family members of different ages, it broadens their perspectives; it exposes them to new ideas and experiences. Events like these are an excellent opportunity for family members, who may not have been close previously, to develop new bonds. Kids can find common interests and create new connections by spending time together. For nuclear and single-parent families, these gatherings can be highly significant. Children learn from their extended family members and feel a sense of belonging that they may not get otherwise. It influences them to have a positive self-image, better mental health, and higher levels of resilience. Sometimes, encouraging today's younger generation to join us for family gatherings can be challenging. Here are a few things you can try: Start Small: If you don't have a big reunion or wedding in the near future, start with a small gathering. It could be as simple as getting together for a potluck party; it is still an opportunity for family members to connect. Have fun: Plan some activities and/or games for you all to do together as a family. It gets everyone involved, and all have a good time. Involve Kids: Get the kids involved in the planning stage. Children are more invested and open to participation when they are actively engaged. It also builds a sense of responsibility. Share Experiences: Share your childhood stories, how these family gatherings have shaped you over the years, and the benefits of attending family get-togethers. Family weddings & gatherings are not just about food, fun, and celebration. They're about building strong bonds, learning life skills, and fostering emotional connections. Many such experiences over the years have enriched my life and have made me appreciate the value of spending time with family even more. We must continue to prioritise these events and pass on the tradition to the next generation. So, the next time you receive an invitation to a family wedding or a gathering, pause and reflect on the value of attending and make it a priority to be there. You won't regret it!

  • Keeping Kids Engaged: The Top 3 Summer Break Activities for Children

    "Summer break is not just a season; it's nostalgia!It's filled with memories of endless fun, laughter, and adventures that stay with us for a lifetime!" Summer break is a special time for children. It's an opportunity for kids to take a break from their daily routine, recharge batteries, and explore new interests. While children need to have fun and enjoy their summer break, it's also crucial for parents, guardians, or caregivers to plan activities that will help them develop essential life skills. There are multiple activities children can do during their summer break that are both fun and educational. Top 3 Summer Break Activities: Cooking: Some of you might find it surprising, but yes, cooking is a multi-dimensional activity that can be fun and educational at the same time. As children learn to try and make simple and new recipes, they also build their essential life skills. As they read through instructions and measure the ingredients, it improves their math skills. They have to pay attention to details while cooking and take ownership. Learning how to handle pans & vessels safely makes them responsible. When children learn to make a dish independently, it builds their self-confidence. It also builds time management and organisational skills as you need to plan in advance for what you will need and time yourself as you cook. Some examples: Make homemade pizzas: Children can learn to make the pizza dough, choose their own toppings, and bake their own pizzas. Bake cookies: Children can learn to make the cookie dough, shape the cookies, and decorate them with icing or sprinkles. Make smoothies: Children can learn to blend different fruits and vegetables to make delicious and healthy smoothies. This activity is perfect for hot summer days. Make it a weekend family activity! It's an excellent way to bond as everyone gets together to cook a special dish. Let children come up with their own unique recipes and try out different combinations of ingredients and flavours. It boosts their creativity skills. Art & Craft: Art and craft activities are a fantastic way to tickle your creative side and play with your imagination. There is no limit on what you can do, and it pushes you to think out of the box. Handling different tools, e.g. scissors, and glue guns, builds your fine motor skills. Trying to make something new might turn out differently than expected; you might need to redo, tweak and/or find solutions. It builds your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Art & craft is an excellent way to bond with family and friends and learn something new. Some examples: Painting: Let children explore different mediums such as watercolours, acrylic paints, or finger paint and create their unique artwork. They can also experiment with varied techniques, such as sponge or knife painting. Clay modelling: It is a fun activity that helps children develop fine motor skills and creativity. Let them create figures or objects of their choice. Origami: Children can learn how to fold different shapes and figures, which helps them develop their fine motor skills. It also builds patience and creativity. Art and craft activities provide children with a fun and engaging way to develop essential life skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and fine motor skills. The best part is there are many options to choose from and decide as per your child's interest. Travelling: Travelling to a new place is an excellent activity for children during summer break. It's an opportunity to explore new and unseen places and learn about different cultures and cuisines. And yes, build important life skills through it too. When we travel away from home, we are in a new place and setting. Children are used to specific tastes and sleeping habits. Trying different cuisines and staying in new environments teaches them to be adaptable and flexible. Travelling is also an opportunity to connect with locals and learn about their culture and customs, building their social awareness and communication skills. Get children involved in packing their own bags and planning the itinerary. It makes them independent and responsible for managing their own belongings - building their self-confidence. Travel can often have uncertainties like delayed aeroplanes, lost luggage or long train journeys. As children learn to navigate these problems, it enhances their critical & creative thinking skills along with their problem-solving skills. Travelling is not just an opportunity to see and experience something new but also to meet and connect with new people. Some Examples: Pack wisely: Encourage children to pack their own bags and only pack what they need. It can help them develop independence and responsibility. Experience the local culture: Encourage children to try local foods and learn some basic phrases in the local language. Take them around places of cultural importance. It can help them develop empathy and cultural understanding. Document the trip: Encourage children to keep a travel journal or take photos to document their experiences. It can help them reflect on their experiences and appreciate the travel and new experiences. With some planning and preparation, parents and caregivers can help children have fun and educational experiences while travelling to new places. Summary Summer break is an excellent time for children to relax, have fun, and learn new things outside the classroom. As parents, guardians, or caregivers, planning activities that help children develop essential life skills is important. By engaging in various activities during summer break, children can gain valuable experiences and skills that will benefit them in all aspects of their lives. A few points to remember:- Choose activities that align with your child's interests and abilities to get them actively engaged. It will also make the activities enjoyable for them. Involve them when you are planning on what activities to undertake and even when you are preparing for the activities. Children learn to take ownership, and it helps build their organisation skills. Plan some as group activities with friends or cousins. It will be a wonderful childhood memory when they grow up, and the kids learn to bond with each other. It builds their collaboration and social skills as they learn to work in a team. Gently nudge them to try new things. Remind the importance of practice. It helps them develop patience and perseverance. Summer breaks can be a fun and engaging way for children to develop essential life skills that will be valuable throughout their life.

  • Card Games vs. Apps to Build Life Skills

    "Card games teach us about strategy, patience, and human-connection. While apps are convenient, the hands-on nature of card games deals a touch of old-school charm, timeless skill-building that apps simply can't replicate." Playing different indoor games has been my favourite since childhood. I remember playing Scrabble, Ludo, and many other games as a kid. Summer vacations, predominantly the hot afternoons and late nights, were reserved for long hours of card games with extended family and friends. I never realised it, but those card games taught me vital life skills. As technology has entered our daily lives, we have many apps that promise to help us build skills, too. But I believe that card games are still one of the best ways to develop those skills – and here's why. Card Games vs. Apps To begin with, card games build your social skills. Usually, the game involves more than one player. While playing card games, we communicate with one another and at times, observe body language to guess what cards the other players might have. And most importantly, as we play together, it's like teamwork and collaboration as we work towards a common goal. These are some of the basic skills we need even in our day-to-day life. Then be it a kid, working on a group project in school together or a big project at work for a grown-up, the skills remain the same. But when it comes to playing with gadgets, we are mostly lost in the virtual world. Many times, we are alone and play independently. I don’t deny devices help us learn a few technical skills, but when it comes to life skills, people interaction is the best way to grow. Card games are an easy and flexible tool. You get so many varieties of games, and they are quick to learn and implement. For example, a fast-paced game like Uno keeps us on our toes as we need to think and act quickly to get rid of all the cards in our hands but also make strategic decisions on when to play the ‘draw 4’ or pay attention to when someone might call out ‘Uno’. Another classic game favourite with our kids at home is Go Fish! A simple game to play but teaches so many basic but important social skills. E.g., taking turns to play or being patient. In the game, you need to decide which cards to ask for and remember what has been passed around; you build your problem-solving and memory skills. Card games even build resilience as you win some and lose some rounds. Indeed, card games are a lot of fun. They keep us engaged for long hours and simplify the learning process. Skill Neurons card games are not only fun and engaging, but they're also effective at teaching important life skills. These life skills are more crucial than ever in this 21st Century. The games are designed to be accessible to players of all ages and skill levels. The best part is you can play them alone or with others. Technology has its own advantages, but we must not discount low-tech or non-tech games, especially life skill games. In my experience, card games are an accessible & effective tool, a more engaging, social, and flexible way to learn. Children learn valuable social and emotional skills which help them develop into independent, self-directed learners. In this battle of card games vs. apps, card games are truly a winner. So, the next time you're looking for a fun activity to do with friends or family, let's put down the gadgets and pick up a deck of cards for some old-fashioned fun and skill-building. Who knows – you might just learn something new!

  • Mother's Day Tribute: Top 5 Ways Mothers Help Us Develop Essential Life Skills

    "Mothers are the ultimate life coaches, teaching us the essential skills we need to thrive in the world." Mother’s Day is the time to celebrate our incredible mothers and their impact on our lives from birth. From bringing us into this world to teaching us to tie our shoelaces or being a listening ear when we face challenges in life as we grow up, they are our first friends, teachers, and guardians who constantly guide and support us as we learn and grow. At Skill Neurons’, we believe mothers are the key players in building the essential life skills needed to succeed in all aspects of our lives. They introduce us to life skills from early childhood by being our role models. In this post, we will explore the top 5 ways mothers help us build our life skills. When we are born, our only way to communicate with our parents, especially our mother, to let them know we are hungry or sleepy is through crying. Moms play a very important role as their soothing voice helps us calm down. It’s the first voice a baby recognises; and, over time, starts responding to. For example, when a mom says, “It’s time for milk,” the baby hears the exact phrase repeatedly and gradually starts understanding this phrase and connects it to feeding time. As we grow, our moms sing lullabies, read us stories, and teach us rhymes. They are constantly communicating with the babies. All these help a baby develop their first set of vocabulary words. So, moms play a critical role in laying the foundation stone for building communication skills in their children. Moms are constantly on their toes. They manage household chores, raise children, and many work professionally too. They are forever multitasking. Then be it making our favourite food or helping us do our homework. A mother is always there for you. If you are stuck with a complex problem, she enables you to break it down into simple words and small chunks, making it easier for you to understand. If we face a conflict with our friend or sibling, she guides us with different solutions to learn how to resolve it. Indeed, she sows the seeds in helping us develop our problem-solving skills. As a kid, our mom is the first person we run to for any issue, big or small. They care for us when we are upset and show kindness and understanding as they teach us how to handle the situation. We learn how to manage our emotions. As kids, we look up to her, she is our role model, and we observe how she navigates her relationships and supports other family memories with empathy and compassion. A mother plays a crucial role in developing our emotional intelligence (E.Q.), which is much needed in all facets of life. Life can be challenging at times. But our mothers continue to provide us with a safe and nurturing environment where we can learn and grow. They are our constant cheerleaders, offering us support and encouragement as we face challenges in school or life in general. They push us to keep trying and help us build our confidence and resilience as we learn to navigate difficult situations. Mothers teach us how to do simple tasks at home. It could start with setting the table, folding our clothes, or setting up our wardrobes. They teach us to keep our room tidy and care for ourselves. We learn from them how it is important to be accountable for our actions and take responsibility. All these small tasks and guidance shape us, help us become independent, and support us in being successful in all areas of life. Mothers truly are the architects of our life. They lay the foundation for our success and help us build fundamental life skills early on. They teach us how to communicate effectively, solve problems creatively, manage our emotions, bounce back from setbacks, and become an independent and self-reliant person. On this Mother's Day, let us thank them for their unwavering love and support. Happy Mother’s Day to the most influential person in our life!

  • Building Blocks of Fun: Exploring the Benefits of Playing with Lego

    "Building blocks may seem small, but they hold the power to create timeless fun and endless possibilities!" Playing with building blocks like Lego is a classic activity that has been around for generations. The colourful blocks of various shapes and sizes have captured the imagination of children and adults alike, providing endless possibilities for learning and hours of fun. Then be it building a castle, a spaceship or an entire city. It pushes every individual to explore their creative side. But that's not all! Benefits of Playing with Lego: Building blocks like Lego have a wide range of benefits, so let's explore them below: All Age groups: The best thing about building blocks is that it's not limited to any particular age group. Children as young as two years old can begin exploring with simple big blocks, while older children and adults can take on more complex models. Thus, the whole family can enjoy this activity regardless of age or skill level. It provides endless entertainment as you build and rebuild various creations. Fine-motor Skills: Playing with building blocks involves handling big and small pieces with your hands; this builds hand strength. As children place blocks on top of one another to create unique structures, they need to work in a coordinated manner to get them accurate. It helps improve hand-eye coordination and is a convenient tool for teaching young children still developing these skills. As you engage your hands, eyes and brain to build your designs, these building blocks work as a comprehensive learning experience that can benefit all age groups. Critical Thinking & Problem-solving Skills: Critical thinking means analysing and evaluating information, problem-solving and making informed decisions. Playing with building blocks involves creating amazing structures as per one's imagination. It requires children to think on their feet. They need to start by deciding which pieces to use, how to arrange them, create a strong base, balance the structure and much more. As children explore different possibilities, it teaches them how to problem-solve in a fun way. Additionally, it enhances their critical thinking skills as they learn to come up with their own distinctive solutions. It boosts their logic and reasoning skills too. As they complete the work, it builds their self-confidence. All these skills help children throughout their lives, both academically and in everyday situations. Creative Thinking Skills: Lego blocks come in various shapes and sizes, such as rectangular, circular, and even blocks with hinges. You get wheels and blocks with different special features. With so much variety, children are spoilt for choices. It motivates children to construct realistic designs or even let their imaginations run wild and design outstanding outcomes. Thus, it enhances kids' creative thinking skills. This process, from ideation to creation, can benefit children and adults alike and is helpful in all walks of life. Communication & Collaboration Skills: Playing with building blocks can be easily turned into a pair task, group activity or family game time. It is one of the best activities for siblings and/or cousins of different age groups to come together and play. You must share and discuss ideas and solutions as you work together to create a common structure. Listening to others' ideas, sharing your opinions and persuading others to agree with your solutions is not only fun but also builds multiple life skills. It enhances your active listening and verbal communication skills. As children work together to create designs, they understand the importance of teamwork. Children improve their social skills by learning to work effectively with others. Mindful Activity: When children play with blocks, they are required to focus and pay attention to detail. As they create structures, deciding the exact placement of each block, before you know it, they become fully engrossed and lose track of time. It leads to being a meditative experience and a mindful activity. It has a calming effect on children and can especially be helpful for children struggling with anxiety. The soothing effect of this activity can help reduce stress and relax them. It builds your mindfulness skills and boosts mental well-being. Brain Breaks: Brain Breaks are short time intervals when you should take a break from your regular activities and engage in a fun, stimulating activity that can help refresh the brain, improve focus and reduce stress and overload. Lego blocks work as an ideal brain break activity. As children play with these blocks, it shifts their focus and engages them in a fun way. As children problem-solve and use their imagination to build different structures, it exercises their brains and improves their cognitive skills. It uplifts mood, and a good brain break enhances their effective thinking skills. Summary: Building blocks provide hours of fun for children and adults alike. It promotes creativity, problem-solving skills, teamwork and mindfulness. So, as you can see, there are innumerable benefits of playing with Lego. It's not surprising that building blocks, especially Lego has been one of the most loved activities for decades. If you're looking for a fun and educational activity for your children, we highly recommend giving building blocks a try. Get ahead by learning, exploring, and creating with building blocks. Unleash your creativity and build a world of endless possibilities!

  • The Hidden Struggle Series: #1 Unpacking the Factors Behind Children's Mental Health Issues

    "Children are not immune to mental health problems. We owe it to them to help recognise their struggles, & support their healing!" Mental health is a critical aspect of a child's well-being and overall development. It affects how they think, feel, and behave. It can impact their relationships with others, their academic performance, and their overall quality of life. Good mental health is essential for children to reach their full potential in both personal and academic life. Children today face a wide range of challenges in their daily lives that can lead to mental health issues. For instance, a 14-year-old boy went missing from his home after leaving for a bicycle ride. Luckily, the child was found and reunited with his parents after two to three days. He revealed that he ran away due to fear of his parent's reaction to his low scores in school exams. In another case, a news report mentioned a 16-year-old girl committed suicide by jumping off a tower for unknown reasons. As parents, teachers & caregivers, we are deeply affected by such incidents and wonder what leads children to take such drastic steps. Other problems parents often encounter with their children include situations where younger kids throw tantrums if their wishes are not met or teens can't control their anger when scolded by parents for the overuse of a mobile phone. We also hear of children suddenly losing interest in academics and turning restless. All these examples might seem insignificant at first, but these kids could be exhibiting signs of an underlying mental health issue or maybe progressing towards them. Therefore it is essential to address them promptly. Mental health issues impact our child's ability to learn, interact with others, behaviour, and academics. Some children with mental health concerns experience physical symptoms like headaches, nausea or disturbed sleep. These symptoms might seem small, but they hinder their daily life. If left untreated, it can have long-term consequences. Did you know, as per WHO, mental health issues are a major pandemic of the 21st Century? Sharing some alarming statistics from 3 countries: India: The prevalence of mental disorders in the age group 13-17 years was 7.3% and nearly equal in both genders. Nearly 9.8 million young Indians aged between 13-17 years are in need of active interventions. The prevalence of mental disorders was nearly twice (13.5%) in urban metros compared to rural (6.9%) areas. [1] UK: Over time, there is an increase in the prevalence of mental disorders in 5 to 15-year-olds. Rising from 9.7% in 1999 and 10.1% in 2004 to 11.2% in 2017. [2] USA: 21.9% of children (3-17 years) have a mental, emotional, developmental or behavioural problem. [3] The statistics about rising mental health problems in children and young people should be a wake-up call for all of us. One approach is to keep addressing the symptoms from time to time. The other is to identify why and how it happens and prevent it from repeating in their lives. The first approach involves managing the symptoms of mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and behavioural issues, through counselling, therapy, medication, or a combination of these. While this approach can be effective in helping children manage their symptoms, it does not address the underlying issues that may be causing the mental health problem. We all know "Prevention is better than cure". So, it is essential to adopt a preventive approach to mental health rather than just managing the symptoms. It is high time to dig deeper and identify the root cause. Look at the current mental health state of children around us, pause and ask yourself some hard-hitting questions: "What is the reason behind this sudden surge in mental health problems? " "Are things actually different now than they were in our own childhoods? " "Were these issues less prevalent in the past, and if so, what did our parents do differently?" But most importantly, we must ask ourselves, "What has changed in these last two decades that we see a consistent rise in all these problems around us? " Mental health issues are often complex. Many factors can influence our child's mental health. Therefore, addressing the root cause can help prevent mental health problems from occurring or reoccurring. Answering these challenging questions will help us better understand the issues. It is time to address the underlying problems rather than just handle the symptoms. In the upcoming series, we will explore in detail the various factors behind this change and the challenges our children encounter. We will discuss strategies and share tips to support our children. Let us work together to create a world where mental health is prioritised and children can thrive and reach their full potential. Break the silence around children's mental health and start the conversation today! References: G, Gururaj & Varghese, Mathew & Benegal, Vivek & Rao, Girish & Pathak, Komal & Singh, Lokesh & Mehta, Ritambhara & D, Ram & Shibukumar, Tm & Kokane, Arun & RK, Lenin & BS, Chavan & P, Sharma & C, Ramasubramanian & Dalal, Pronob & Saha, Pranesh & SP, Deuri & Giri, Anjan & AB, Kavishvar & Misra, Radhieka. (2016). National Mental Health Survey -2015-16 Summary ((PDF) National Mental Health Survey -2015-16 Summary ( & National Mental Health Survey of India 2015–2016 ( (National Mental Health Survey, 2015-16 - Mental Health Systems_0.pdf ( Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2017 [PAS] - NHS Digital ( Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative. 2017-2018 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) data query. Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and retrieved [11/12/2018] from []. Next Post In this Series: #2 The Digitial Dilemma: Examining Social Media's Impact on Children's Mental Health

  • #2 The Digitial Dilemma: Examining Social Media's Impact on Children's Mental Health

    "Social Media is a Mixed Blessing - Use it the Right Way - Opens a world of endless connections and knowledge,Use it the Wrong Way - Challenges self-worth and blurs self-perception! " Just a few years ago, did we ever imagine that social media would be such an integral part of our lives? For most of us in this modern world, it is an essential part of our routine. For some, it's the first and last thing we check. Over the years, it has drastically changed how we communicate and share our life stories and our interactions with the outside world. It has suddenly brought the world closer and given us an easy way to stay in touch with family and long-lost friends. We can now transcend geographical boundaries and access knowledge from around the globe. Two decades ago, when Facebook was launched, it almost brought about a revolution in social media. It changed how we connected and interacted with people. In recent years, multiple social media platforms have entered the market. Easy access to cheap mobile phones and improved internet connectivity facilitated social media’s growth. The fierce competition got them trying to develop new and distinguished features to keep users engaged on their platforms. With millions of users hooked to these apps, social media became a top marketing and advertising tool. Today, it has become a primary source of news, a platform for us to share our views and opinions, a way to connect with family and friends and even a marketplace for different products and services. And before we knew it, social media platforms started impacting all of us negatively, especially our children. Let’s look into some negative influences of excessive social media usage. Social Media's Impact on Children's Mental Health: Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is one of the primary ways that affect children’s mental health. It is a type of bullying that takes place online through various social media apps. The bullies find an easy way to hide behind the digital platform and target their victims. It can happen in multiple ways. For example, they can send hurtful messages, share embarrassing photos or spread rumours about you. They might create your fake profile or even threaten you. The worst part about online content is that it spreads like fire and stays accessible for a long time. Therefore, leading to prolonged harm for the person at the receiving end. Cyberbullying can sometimes occur between friends, too, without them even realising it is causing damage to the other person. It is easier to type something in a message than say it face-to-face. When you send a message digitally to someone, there are no supporting cues - like conveying through body language. Thus, if you haven't framed your message correctly, it can easily cause misunderstanding. Children often engage in playful banter on chats and tease each other. But, they can easily cross the line and hurt someone if that person ends up being a regular target amongst friends. Words that might seem harmless might hit the person hard. Similarly, a light-hearted comment meant for a closed group, sometimes just for fun, gets shared with a broader audience. The targeted person might get embarrassed, hurt by this act and doubt themselves. Children have various chat groups for conversations. Sometimes, they might intentionally leave someone out of their chat groups. It might be for whatever reason, but the child left out starts feeling socially isolated. Thus, unintentional cyberbullying can occur between friends too. It strains friendships and relations. Cyberbullying of any type causes emotional stress in children of all ages. It leads to anxiety and low self-esteem. Some might even go into depression. Perfection Social media has become a place where we share our happy moments and highlight the best aspects of our lives. It is a place where everyone wants to display their best side. From your perfect parties to perfect backdrops for holidays and top-class photos. Then be it replicating your favourite celebrity look or visiting exotic locations, the focus is the near-perfect photo. Social Media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat are famous among teens and young adults. Children come across photos of people holidaying in luxurious locations or wearing perfectly styled outfits for occasions. They watch their favourite celebrities and go ga-ga over their perfect bodies and skin. Now, some kids might just scroll through their feeds, but for some, it can be the beginning of self-doubt. They start comparing themselves to these online versions they see. They start questioning their looks and look down upon their own accomplishments. Slowly, they begin to judge their self-worth based on what they see on social media. This can lead to negative emotions and thoughts. They might feel their life isn't as exciting or worth it compared to what they see about others in the virtual world. Children develop low self-esteem and become more conscious about their looks. Some go to the extent of starving themselves to meet unrealistic standards they see on social media platforms. It leads to anxiety, depression and has a significant impact on the child’s mental health. Seeking Online Validation As discussed earlier, we use social media to share and post things about ourselves. Our family & friends comment and like our posts and sometimes even share them further. It has become a way of connecting and updating each other about our lives through visuals. But for some, it can become an attention-seeking tool. Children, especially adolescents, might harbour the need to constantly seek likes, comments and followers. They start considering it as an important measure to define their self-worth. They will go to the extent of carefully defining the online persona that portrays them in a particular manner that will gain them popularity and followers. They get pressured to be part of the latest trends and seek validation from others. This desire to be accepted in the virtual world slowly detaches them from reality. Yes, these likes and comments make us happy and develop a sense of belonging in the virtual community. But constantly pursuing it can have adverse effects too. Children start relying on external validation to define their self-worth. They feel insecure, and some might begin seeking attention in unhealthy ways to gain more recognition. These lead to various mental health issues. Addiction to Gadgets at Young Age Today, kids as young as two years know how to scroll using a mobile or a tablet. Children are fascinated with these gadgets as they offer unlimited entertainment through cartoon shows, toy reviews and other entertaining videos. These videos are bright, interactive and made to captivate a child’s attention. The platforms offering this content have back-end programs and algorithms recommending similar content based on your viewing. As children keep watching and scrolling, they enter a cycle of binge-watching. Children cannot control the urge to stop watching and avoid doing any other activities. A few years back, there was even a news report based on a survey “Mobile has become a new babysitter! Smartphone addiction cases up by 75% in one year.” [1] This report is alarming! When and how did we let smartphones take over our lives and our children? This addiction can impact a child’s growth in various ways. Some have delayed language development. For instance, a 5-yr old child was very good at recognising alphabets, numbers, colours etc., and parents took pride that the child developed all only by watching favourite videos on gadgets. But the child struggled to communicate in simple sentences with parents or grandparents. Some children might adopt a sedentary lifestyle over physical outdoor play, which can lead to other health problems in the long run. Due to constant stimulation, kids cannot focus on other activities. Sometimes, unmonitored internet access leads kids to inappropriate and even harmful content not meant for their age group. Over a period of time, this addiction to gadgets and their content is so strong that a child doesn’t know what to do without a device and throws tantrums. Parents sometimes give in, but in the longer run, it can lead to behavioural problems, anxiety & depression. Impact on Sleep Cycle Many of us are used to checking our mobile's last thing before sleeping. Many children, too, use their devices before bedtime. Scrolling through social media, they lose track of time. Plus, this brain stimulation just before bedtime hampers the sleep cycle. When you don't sleep well, you wake up grumpy, irritated. Children today have hectic daytime schedules, and this incomplete sleep impacts their daily routines too. They struggle to concentrate on tasks, and it also affects their mood. This irritability spreads to other areas of life and affects mental wellness. Summary As you can see, without parental control and guidance, though slowly and steadily, there is social media's impact on children's mental health. It is causing everyone, especially children, more harm than you had ever imagined. Children, particularly adolescents in the delicate stage of life, get easily carried away with the new features and apps they are exposed to. It causes a long-term impact on their mental health. Let’s ask ourselves: "Are we indeed in control of social media, or is it controlling us?" "Are we allowing these platforms to dictate our children's self-worth and influence their well-being?" Let's pause and reflect on the amount of time they spend online, the content they consume, and its impact on their emotional state. We are looking forward to hearing the views of our fellow parents/teachers & caregivers in the comments below. We would also like to know what our young readers (children and adolescents - if they are reading too) think about this. Let’s have an open conversation! As we said earlier, Let’s break the silence around children's mental health and start the conversation today! References: BASU, SREERADHA D., and DEVINA SENGUPTA. 2017. “Mobile has become the new babysitter! Smartphone addiction cases up by 75% in one year.” The Economic Times, July 31, 2017. Previous Post In this Series: The Hidden Struggle Series: #1 Unpacking the Factors Behind Children's Mental Health Issues Next Post In this Series: #3: The Impact of Traditional Teaching & Standardised Tests on Children's Mental Health

  • The Rejuvenating Journey: Rediscovering a Country & Reconnecting with Old Friends After a Decade

    “Revisiting a country once called home & reconnecting with old friends after a decade is like stepping into a time capsule of memories, where the past intertwines the present. Amidst the changes & familiarities, we nurture adaptability, strengthen bonds & embrace life’s ever-evolving journey.” Life is a constant flow of change & growth. It takes us to different corners as we come across new & varied experiences. Through this life journey, we meet diverse people & form various connections. But as life moves on, some moments hold a special place in our hearts. For me, it was revisiting a country we once called home and reuniting with friends who shared those cherished memories. It was a unique experience as this country had witnessed significant milestones in my life. A place where I first landed as a newly married, grew professionally, built my family and eventually bid farewell. Returning to the country unleashed a dormant nostalgia. It was a journey back in time. The sights & sounds (or rather silence) took me back to the moments we treasured during our times there. A joyous reunion with my own memories, gently reminding me of my old carefree self. Sighting familiar & important landmarks, buildings & streets from our lives was a special delight. As we drove around the town, I realised they are not mere structures but witnesses to your joys & growth. And this experience became even more magical as we could share it with our children, showing them around and letting them in on a piece of our personal history. They saw how our family’s journey had unfolded, from where we lived to how we worked and even where they were born. While certain aspects remained unchanged, we could also see the transformation in the city we once called home. The town looked different, and at first, I felt a bit sad. Beautiful homes were replaced by tall buildings. A buzzing town centre where I used to take my firstborn had now lost it's charm and had deserted stores. But that’s what life is all about, isn’t it? It is constantly changing & evolving! Meeting friends who still call the country their home & connecting with some almost after a decade was priceless. We reignited the bonds forged during our time there as we reminisced good old memories. Exchanging life stories, catching up on milestones and even learning about challenges deepened our understanding of one another. It prompted me to reflect on how our varied experiences have shaped our values and perspectives. The best part of old connections is how easily and effortlessly we can slip back into the rhythm of our friendship as if no time has passed. These reconnections brought immense joy and reminded me of the power of strong connections. It, once again, made me believe that good friendships can last even when a lot of time has passed. Revisiting after a decade wasn’t just about seeing old places but also the food. The flavours and aromas transported me back to the moments when I savoured the same tastes. Visiting our favourite restaurants with family and sharing our stories with our children was a blast. As we sat around familiar tables, the ambience reminded us of our days visiting as a young family. The joy on our children’s faces as they heard about the times, we dined there was heartwarming. We laughed, shared, and created new memories to add to our collection. This beautiful time spent visiting places, relishing food and meeting up with friends was a reminder that life is a journey made beautiful by the people we share it with, the stories we create, and the places that become a part of our story. Looking back on the trip, I can’t help but feel thankful. It was a profound experience that stirred a mix of emotions within me—nostalgia, curiosity, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Life is a bit like a puzzle, and each experience is a piece that fits into the bigger picture. This trip reminded me to be thankful for everything – the good and the not-so-good – that has helped me become who I am today.

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